Gather the Townsfolk

MTG Gather the Townsfolk details and prices

Gather the Townsfolk by Dan Scott #8
Gather the Townsfolk - Dark Ascension #8
Gather the Townsfolk - Duel Decks: Blessed vs. Cursed #12
Gather the Townsfolk - Wizards Play Network 2012 #79
Gather the Townsfolk - Magic Online Promos #43511
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Basic information

Mana Cost
Dan Scott
Dark Ascension

Gather the Townsfolk is legal in

Total decks
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Archetypes using it
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This card has 4 different prints

Rules & flavor text

Create two 1/1 white Human creature tokens.
Fateful hour — If you have 5 or less life, create five of those tokens instead.
In the memories of those they lost lies the strength needed to defend their city.

Related Tags

White Sorcery Humans Tokens Spellslinger

Weekly Play volume (Last 52 weeks)

A value of 100 represents the peak popularity of the card, while a value of 50 means that the card is half as popular during that week.

Price trend

0.03 0.35

Latest decks playing Gather the Townsfolk

A list of the most recent MTG decks using Gather the Townsfolk available on MTG decks website.

By Pelujah 
Social media
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Recent archetypes playing Gather the Townsfolk

A list of archetypes playing Gather the Townsfolk by format in the last 90 days according to our MTG decks database.

Modern archetypes playing Gather the Townsfolk

Name Decks Price
White Weenie
1 $102

(Max. 10 archetypes shown)

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Gather the Townsfolk quick FAQ

How many decks 🔢 are playing Gather the Townsfolk?

Gather the Townsfolk has been played in more than 1 decks in the last year. Get the decklists and prices in our site ☝️

What is 📊 MTG Gather the Townsfolk current price?

The current price is:
  • Cardhoarder: 📊 0.03 tixes
  • Tcgplayer: 📊 $0.2
  • Cardkingdom: 📊 $0.35
Get the decklists and historic pricing charts in our site ☝️

In which formats is Gather the Townsfolk played?

It is currently being played in Modern Get the decklists and prices our site ☝️

Which decks in the current MTG metagame are playing Gather the Townsfolk?

The top 3 archetypes using Gather the Townsfolk are:
  • Modern White Weenie
Get all the archetypes and decklists in our site ☝️

Gather the Townsfolk in the current metagame

Last update: 2024-05-02