Lena, Selfless Champion Combos

Lena, Selfless Champion + Nim Deathmantle + Ashnod's Altar

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite colorless mana. Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite sacrifice triggers.

All permanents on the battlefield. You conrtol at least one additional nontoken creature. available.

Lena, Selfless Champion + Nim Deathmantle + Phyrexian Altar

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite colored mana. Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite sacrifice triggers.

All permanents on the battlefield. You conrtol at least three additional nontoken creatures. available.

Whisper, Blood Liturgist + Lena, Selfless Champion + Intruder Alarm

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite sacrifice triggers. Infinite untap of all creatures.

All permanents on the battlefield. You control at least three additional creatures, one of which must be nontoken. Whisper does not have summoning sickness.

Whisper, Blood Liturgist + Lena, Selfless Champion + Thornbite Staff

Combo result
Infinite creature tokens. Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite death triggers. Infinite sacrifice triggers.

All permanents on the battlefield. You control at least three additional creatures, one of which must be nontoken. Whisper does not have summoning sickness. Thornbite Staff attached to Whisper.